Coaching and mental health support

During the past years I have tried a handful of tools, methods and styles to get closer understanding the nature of change, transformation as well as human emotions, behaviour, beliefs.

Coaching supports you to define your own needs, to set your goals, the direction you would like to grow and get to know yourself better. Coaching is a journey that takes time, energy and dedication. From both of us.

Mental health support sessions are designed to help those experiencing uncomfortable emotions and need space and time to talk, process with an expert who is holding the space for them. I help you to get closer to your emotions and needs, to name and express them. Together we can decide, which directionto go and which tool to use.

what to expect on the coaching sessions?

I will ask questions and you will answer- as simple as it is.

Coaching sessions and processes are more complex then that. We will work together to find your true goal, something you want to become, something you would like to have in your life, something that you hope for yourself. I support you to find what you really would like to welcome in your life, make sure you are ready for that, and I will be there on the journey with you to work towards it. I use the creative tools of coaching to make sure we go through all the levels and dimensions that are needed for you to have a closer look at the goal, to examine your present, your relationships and other important factors. My mission is to focus on your personal growth in such way, that you will become confident in all your future decisions.

As a coach I cannot give an opinion or a solution for a problem, as I believe in you, I trust that you already have the answers within you, and I am ready to active them with all those questions and tools that I mentioned above. Each of us has all the knowledge, talent, experience and potential to create and live the life we want to live. And so do you.

what do i do as a coach?

Coaching is for you if...
you are seeking your path
you have already started the journey and you got stuck
you found yourself in a crossroad and not sure which direction to go
the journey got  longer than expected and lacking resources
the map you got in the beginning of the journey does not seem to work
you would like to enjoy yourself during  the journey
you need cheerleaders along the way to lean on
you need a breather before you get to your destination;
you wish to understand what happened during the journey
you would like to navigate future journeys with confidence

The topics and subjects of the coaching sessions vary, as you are in the driver seat and I will follow your lead.
Bellow I give you an overview of themes I already worked on with my clients and I am confident that coaching is a very effective method of support.

Working with habits
Career change
Normative crises
Setting goals and priorities
Life quality
Living/ working abroad
Communication style
Leadership and excecutive coaching